Updated: 2012-04-30 19:13:47

Termite Terry recently gave a presentation for a meeting at LeTip of West Orange County. His presentation was titled, “How To Lower Home Maintenance Costs” and it focused on “The 7 Key Areas Of Home Maintenance” which could save homeowners hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in maintenance costs. During the presentation, he showed his [...]
Updated: 2012-04-30 18:58:12

Not too long ago, a concrete contractor named Bob gave a bid to install a new driveway on a home. The homeowner thought Bob’s quote of $7,800 to do the job was reasonable. But, the homeowner felt that he should get another bid. He called around and found someone else to bid the job. The [...]
Updated: 2012-04-25 11:37:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Wednesday , April 25, 2012 Bees In My Fence All of a sudden start to notice large bees hovering around your fence This time a year they are most likely carpenter bees . Think of them as a mom and dad bee , mom takes care of the not yet born young and dad hovers outside of the hole the bee lives in and protects his family . Funny thing is the dad bee doesn't sting , the mom does . What the dad will do is intimidate the heck out of you . Go near the area the carpenter bees are living and you will get chased . How do you get rid of them Always use caution . There are pest control supply products you can buy online . The treatment is long and tedious .
Updated: 2012-04-24 20:40:32

Patriot Pest Control will get rid of these Black Widow spiders for you, just call 505-293-7378
Updated: 2012-04-14 22:42:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Saturday , April 14, 2012 Stink Bug Traps Stink bugs have become a real problem over the past few years , they get into the home and are big and ugly and well , stink . nbsp So how do you control these stink bugs Kill them Stink bug traps I guess it's a little of . both So just what are we talking about here What is a stink bug and why do we care Well Stink bugs , or the brown marmorated stink bug , is an import from China Japan . The bugs are very dangerous and destructive to fruits and veggies . This becomes an economical pest and aside from being a nuisance to us , they are especially hated by farmers . For the home owner , there are traps that you
Updated: 2012-04-13 23:46:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Friday , April 13, 2012 Carpenter Bees Great God's Trousers The Wood Bees Are Back That's right , wooden fences , fascia boards and any unpainted outside wood structures beware . The large bees that seem to make a perfect round hole in your fence post , leaving a pile of saw dust behind , nbsp are back to make your life a living hell . I hate these bees , better known as carpenter bees or more properly , Xylocopa virginica . These carpenter bees can cause a substantial amount of damage for their size , unlike the other wood destroying pest , termites , these bees do not eat the wood . They burrow or drill into the wood and make a right turn . Now
Updated: 2012-04-13 17:47:00
Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1-877-918-9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Bed Bug Treatment Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Term Alert Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Integrated Pest Management Online Bill Pay Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial
Updated: 2012-04-12 21:58:01
: . Lehigh Valley Master Gardeners The Woods in Your Backyard and Google Maps Back to Main Page It’s time to be watering April 12, 2012 Let’s stop breeding mosquitoes . It’s Time to clean up our act Total People in Discussion : 1 : Categories Gardening Posted by KarenMBern at 04:58:01 PM on April 12, 2012 Would you believe it Asian Tiger Mosquitoes Established in central Pennsylvania Yep , it’s true . And this awful mosquito can , like some others , 0160 breed in small containers i.e . pieces of trash strewn about that can retain small amounts of water . Or other things that hold standing water . This mosquito is attracted to pet waste . It’s a nasty daytime biter . It’s capable of spreading heartworm in . pets It’s capable of spreading truly awful diseases which are not common here now ,
Updated: 2012-04-09 15:01:00

Home Contact Us Blog Click for Service or 1-877-918-9988 Blog Press Releases Haiti Relief Video Charli the Tarantula and Friends Residential Pest Control Pest Control Services Residential Bird Pest Control Bed Bug Treatment Lawn Care Termite Control Termite Inspections Term Alert Structural Fumigation Damage Repair Tree and Shrub Care Lawn Fertilization Weed Control Residential Spider Control Termite Solutions Pest Library Integrated Pest Management Online Bill Pay Commercial Services Industry Animal Care Facilities Audited Facilities Business Facilities Commercial Kitchens Food Processing Plants General Manufacturing General Retail Facilities Government Facilities Grocery Stores High Tech Clean Rooms Hospitality Event Centers Hospital Medical Facilities Industrial Buildings Industrial
Updated: 2012-04-03 03:30:43
Great article on how to fight red imported fire ants.
Updated: 2012-04-03 01:03:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Monday , April 02, 2012 Wood Bees Can I reiterate my complete dislike of wood bees or as they are officially called , Carpenter Bees . We've had an unusually warm March here on the east coast and a few weekends ago I was painting my wood porch in the back and was bothered all day by these bees . I know they can't really harm you unless you provoke them in an extreme manner , and when I say extreme manner I mean grabbing a female in your hand , but I still hate them . Half my day was spent in wait with a can of wasp freeze trying to shoot them out of the air . One day I will get rid of my wooden fence that surrounds my yard and replace it with a good